What does it mean to dream of paper money? Dream of paper money interpretations.

What do you mean by paper money?

When the folk sacrifice is used to gnate gods and funerals and the grave to burn to the deceased to enjoy the coin, but also Throw or hang the cemetery. Dreaming of paper money, paper money represents wealth, meaning life will become rich, do things smoothly, the fortune will become better. It is said that you will live in the life of the big elegant.

Dreaming to burn paper money to the dead, indicating that you will have new friends recently, usually you will encounter.

Dreaming of receiving the paper money from others, it is a big giva, indicating that it will develop developed.

Dreaming of burning incense burning money, indicating that you have encountered difficulties in the near future, some people will help themselves.

People who do business dream of burning paper money, indicating that your recent fortune is very good, the project development of your own investment is very good, will earn big money.

Woman dreams of burning paper money, indicating that you have recently do your own points, others do not take care, will be safe.

Candidates dream of burning paper money, indicating that your recent health is not good, there are some parts that are easily injured, remember more attention and care.

Dreaming of pairing paper, indicating that you are not going well in the near future, and your mood is very annoying.

The businessman dreams of picking up the paper, indicating that you will be a big business, and the income has increased.

Female dreams of toning paper money, indicating that you will travel quickly, everything on the way is safe.

Dreaming of the laundry burning paper money, indicating that your recent fortune is not good, and friends have a quarrel due to some small things, leading to the breakthrough.

Dreaming to burn paper money to his father, indicating that your recent fortune is very good, surrounding the bad luck around you is slowly disappearing, so that good luck will come to your side.

When I dreamed of burning paper, I was taken with a piece of paper, indicating that you will have a dispute between a group of friends. At this time you have to calm analysis and judgment.

Scholar dreams to burn paper money to the dead, indicating that your academic performance has improved, and the test results are very good.

Married people dream of burning paper money, indicating that they will be pregnant soon, and can also have a small baby smoothly.

Businessman dreams to burn paper money to the dead, indicating that you may have an economic crisis recently, I suggest you have to be extraordinary scam, don't put it on your snow.

The staff dreams to burn paper money to the dead, indicating that you have a possible leadership to make a more important task, and we must do a good psychological preparation.

Single person dreams to burn paper money, indicating that your love fortune is very good, as long as you can work with step by step, it will succeed, if tooEvergiving, poor fortune.

Dreaming of friends to burn paper money to the dead, indicating that friends will help you get wealth, will get a friend's funding when you encounter difficulties or unsatisfactory, learn to cherish this feelings.

The people in this life dream of paper money, meaning not to override, more seriously, cautious to prevent fire, and obsessed with witness.

People in love dream of paper money, explain what happens, and most afraid of third party insert, marriage has become.

People who do business dreams of paper money, representing the smoothness of the whole, fame and fortune, but not acute.

The people who go to school dream of paper money, meaning that the science score is poor, does not affect the admission score.

Pregnant people dream of paper money, indicating that born men, anti-dynamic soil or driving fetal gas.

The people who travel dreams of paper money, and it is recommended to change the date.

Dreaming of the original Ji Dream of paper money

\" Ji Dream\"

What is the meaning of dreaming of paper money?