What does it mean to dream of onion? Dream of onion interpretations.

Dreaming of onion is what ambiguity

The onion contains a variety of vitamins and minerals such as proteins, carbohydrates, and it has a great benefit to the human body. The onions also have blood fat, lower blood pressure, blood sugar, can promote the role of blood circulation if it is with mushrooms. The general population can be edible, and mental workers are more suitable.

Dreaming of onions, indicating that you may have a secret being poked, will feel embarrassed. Dreaming of eating green onions, indicating that everything is going well.

The pregnant woman dreams that he is eating onions, and it is very smart to indicate that the child who is born.

Businessman dreams of selling green onions, indicating that business is prosperous.

Dreaming of a variety of greenions, indicating that your efforts will be got.

Dreaming that you wash your green onions, indicating that you gradually realize your strengths, or the value of others, gradually dig your own ability.

Dreaming with green onions, reminds you to pay attention to your family's health, there may be people's illness.

Dreaming of onions, meaning that privacy is disclosed, and it is afforded by spirit and flesh, but also undertakes economic losses.

Dreaming to eat onions, means that they have a happy mood and good luck.

Dreaming of selling onions, is a high business.

Dreaming of green onions, indicating that you will have to pay a lot due to the communication of friends or relatives.

Dreaming of saffoda, said you have a happy life, hard work, all things well.

Dreaming of stripping the onions, expressing the liver fire or the eye disease caused by liver fire.

Dreaming of onion heads, the omen's privacy was forced to be public, and will be subject to others.

The woman dreams of the friendship between the onions and friends.

Unmarried women dream of onions, illustrating reassessing, conceptual test, marriage.

The middle-aged woman dreams of the onions, meaning the family style, the husband and wife separation, and the child is not smooth. Multi-line.

Dreaming to buy greenions, indicating that you have a relatively lazy performance recently.

Dreaming of cutting onions, recently, your fortune is not good, some people want to ask themselves, but don't want to help help, I don't know how to refuse.

Dreaming that the onion is a bit bad, indicating that you may have a secret being poked, it will feel embarrassed. If you dream of eating green onions, you should indicate that everything is going well.

Dreaming of stealing theions, perhaps in feelings, there will be a good time to have a good date.

Dreaming of pulling big onions, means living hard, using time learning skills, useful.

The people in love dreams of dreaming onions, indicating that the eyes are far away, no one is full of ten beautiful, understand each other, marriage.

Doing business people dreaming of onions, representing the foundation to find a good opening, otherwise it is difficult to pay attention.

The people who go to school dream of onions, meaning that there is a variety, it must be patient and finally wish.

Pregnant people dream of licking onions, forecasting giving women.It is a man in December.

The people of this year dream of dreaming of onions, meaning that the water is less, doing economic people, real estate make money.

Dreaming of the original li dream

The green onion is fighting.\" Ji Dream\"

What is the meaning of what does it mean?