What does it mean to accept corn? Dreams to collect corn interpretations.

Dreaming of the corn is what it means

Dreaming of corn maturity, expressing famous and wealth, seeing corn stored in full position, indicating that your biggest wishes are about to achieve. Dreaming of corn, indicating that life and food is worry-free.

Dreaming of harvesting corn, good fortune, feeling the happiness that is currently living, work is very smooth.

Dreaming in the corn field, indicating that there will be unexpected surprises in the near future.

Dreaming of corn is very lush, indicating that there will be good luck in the near future.

Dreaming that the immature corn, the basic transportation and success is good.

Dreaming that there is no bags, indicating that the source is rolling and the love of many people.

Dreaming of peeled into a mottled corn ear, said you will usher in all aspects of success and happiness.

Dreaming of others collect corn, indicating that you will be happy for your friends or relatives.

Dream to help others receive corn: indicating that you will usher in all aspects of success and happiness.

Dreaming of the rain, the fortune is good, I feel that my current happiness is currently living, and the work is very smooth.

Dreaming through a strong corn, see heavy corn, far-reaching far, not only anticipate full crops and big harvest, but also to hunting family. If young people do this dream, hunt happy and loyal friends.

Dream saw that the long maize seedlings were just plowed, indicating that you will get support and love of power, indicating that the upcoming success.

Dream to eat fresh corn, expressing harmony between friends, if young people do this dream, means happiness marriage.

Dreaming of harvesting corn in the place, being an important role in appreciation, the future responsibility is hard, but the achievement is worth looking forward to.

The people in this year dream of collecting corn, meaning that they pay attention to safety, and there will be less in the work.

The people who prepare the exam dream of collecting corn, meaning that the fierce transportation is better, and cannot be lost.

People who do business have dreamed of collecting corn, representing the loss of business, and re-rectifying.

The people in love dream of collecting corn, indicating how many tests have been taken, and they are expected to be married.

Pregnant people dream of collecting corn, indicating that life men.

What is going to go out, dreaming of corn, and it is recommended that another date will be left out.

What is the meaning of what is the meaning of corn?