Dreaming of the cup mean? Dreaming of cup interpretations.

Dreaming of what is the meaning of the cup

Dreaming of the cup, indicating that wealth should be increased. At the same time, the cup also has a distinct female meaning. Dreaming of tea cups, indicating that you will gradually become happy.

Dreaming of breaking a cup, indicating that you want more than a friend, but you have no wish.

Dreaming of filled with water, foresciting to make a fortune.

Dreaming of broken cups, usually symbolizing lost love.

Dreaming of friends smashing the cup, indicating that the fortune is very good, will have the opportunity to make a fortune, is good thing .

Dreaming that some people pour water into the cup, indicating that it will receive the support and help of others.

Dreaming that it is empty in the cup, it means to be frustrated, such as plan to fall, or efforts have not gain.

Dreaming of accidentally knocking the cup, may encounter accidents, making the economy suffering, but breaking the fortune

Dreaming of buying new glass, indicating that someone may get married at home, to do happiness.

Dreaming of drinking water or drinking with a cup, indicating that it will succeed, or the business is smooth.

Businessman dreams that drinking water or drinking with a cup, indicating that the business is prosperous, the patient does this dream, indicating that the condition is improved.

Dreaming of golden silver made of cups, there will be good luck to get married, or on things that need to be bet.

Dreaming to drink with teacups, indicating that you will win the abundance and happy life of wealth soon.

Pregnant women dream of cups, indicating that pregnant mommy will have a good opportunity to have a promotion in their career, or have promoted.

Pregnant women dream of buying a cup, this is a sign of money, indicating that there will be a lot of money spending, but it does not get the corresponding return.

Pregnant women dream of a cup very beautiful, indicating that pregnant moms will give birth to a baby, and the baby will be very beautiful, temperament, and there will be their own.

Pregnant women dream of some people to send their own cups, indicating that pregnant moms will make their own intimate friends, and they will become a good friend of their lives, and friends will help pregnant moms.

Pregnant women dream of the cup broken, remind pregnant mom to leave more, pay attention to the details, things are not successful, because the little things are not made, hoping that pregnant mommy should learn lessons.

Pregnant woman dreams of being lost, first congratulations to pregnant mommy, this is very Geely dream, this dream indicates the feelings between husband and wife, husband loves pregnant mommy loves.

Pregnant woman dreams of glass, indicating that pregnant mommy thinks is simple, and there are some thick branches, so pregnant mothers are also relatively stable, but also remind pregnant mothers still have to test.Considering.

The people of this year dream of the cup, meaning that all things are not smooth, the south is less, although there is financial, three years.

People who do business dreamed of the cup, representing financial, slow progress, and does not have to be

The trip dreamed of the cup and suggested smoothly.

Pregnant people dream of cups, indicating that born men, and swearing women.Be cautious to prevent abortion.

The people in love dream of the cup, indicating that the opportunity to seek marriage must have results, marriage.

Dreaming of the original version of the li Dream

Water filled with a mortar.\" Ji Dream\"

The water cup fell, the main fierce.\" Ji Dream\"

What is the meaning of what is the meaning of the cup?