Dreaming of catching a wild chicken means? Dreaming to catch wild chicken interpretations.

Dreaming to catch a wild chicken what it means

Dreaming to catch the chicken, indicating that you have a deep feelings with your friends, life will be happy. Soon after, there will be a list of opportunities, but it may be good, or it may be bad, be alert to your own behavior.

Dreaming of having a pheasant, indicating that your recent interpersonal relationship is very good, you can get a lot of money, and have a good development, don't give up when you encounter difficulties.

Dreaming to catch a lot of pheasant, the fortune is rolling, you will have a positive, crossing, unmarried, will find a child with married.

Dreaming to catch a wild chicken, indicating that your recent troubles and confusion will pass, good luck is coming.

Dreaming of caught two pheasant, contacting a lot of shape, letting it feel uncomfortable.

Dreaming of grasping pheasant and killing pheasant, there is a stranger to help, it will be from good luck when they love.

Dreaming to catch the black chicken: Dreaming to catch black wild chicken to indicate that you will have a chance to be famous in the near future, but it is good to be bad. It is recommended that you should pay attention to your behavior.

Dreaming of a lot of wild eggs: Dreaming of many wild eggs indicate that your recent fortune is general, as long as it will escape the disaster, avoid scourge.

Dreaming of wild eggs, chickens, indicating that your wealth is not good, wealth is low, to avoid quarrels with loved ones or friends.

Men dream of catching chickens, main travel, explanation, guitar, but prevents the bailout branches.

Single people dream of catching a wild chicken, the main recent love fortune, the other party may change, no results.

What is going to go out, dreaming of catching a wild chicken, suggesting that the wind is extended out.

Pregnant people dream of catching chickens, indicating that they are male, autumn, and do not go through the cemetery.

People who do business have dreamed of catching a chicken, representing talking and discuscation, and a friend's back letter is lost.

The people who prepare the exam dream of catching a wild chicken, meaning the impact of the science achievement, faithful.

The people in love dream of catching a chicken, indicating that the time to ask for marriage must have results, marriage.

The year of this life dreams of catching a wild chicken, meaning cautious, or less criminal disaster, friends less.

Dreaming of catching the original 's dream

chicken on the tree, the main fortune. \" Ji Dream\"

See chicks, male master rises. \" Ji Dream\"

See chicken, smells the chicken, the teacher. \" Ji Dream\"

See hen, the main Baise. \" Ji Dream\"

There are many chicks and women. liDream \"

What do you think about what is the meaning of pheasant?