Dreaming of bullets mean? Dreaming of bullets interpretations.

Dreaming of the bullets meaning what to bazes

Bullets are a treated object that is directly related to the gunpowder since human inventive gunpowder, and its function is to hunt long distances when they are hunter. Animal animals or the most effective way to entertain; as the easiest tool for killing enemies or for material damage during war. The bullet can also be said to be a collection of physics, chemistry, material, aerodynamics, and craftsmanship. Although the ultimate results are related to killing,

Dreaming of bullets, prompting you don't easily Focus, or some privacy that is not advocate, so as not to bring unnecessary trouble to future life.

Female dreams of bullets, representing you will live very hard, and may even be defeated.

Dreaming of being hit by the bullets, suggesting that the dream should do a health check, prevent it to prevent it in order to ensure the health of the body.

Dreaming of bullets is as shot like rain, but they have no damage, indicating that although the troubles of life, but they can face them in their own way.

Dreaming of the bullets, although there is a power of dominance and decision-making, but need to respect the opinions of customers and partners, do not want a wishful or self-righteousness, more retreat and compromise.

Dreaming to push the bullet in the pistol, when you are dangerous, you will get a friend's sympathy.

Dreaming that he shoots a bullet, implies that it will encounter a disaster, unfortunately.

Dreaming of being playing the bullet, but just a buckle trigger, the gun tube fell, indicating that your friends and related people, may betray you at the crucial moment, remind you to prepare more .

Dreaming that he shoots a bullet and kills people, indicating that you have to bear the condemnation of others, facing frustration failure, or even unemployment.

Dreaming of others shooting a bullet, you have not injured, indicating that you may be accused or accused, but in the end, it is safe.

Dreaming that the bullet did not hit himself, it was a forefront of the fortune, but also suggesting that you are good, you can make new friends.

Unmarried men and women dream of bullets did not hit themselves, the Lord recent relationship can be said to be a spring, and the relationship between lovers is like a child, but it is necessary to worry about the truth. It is expected to meet a companion.

Looking for workers dreaming of bullets, they have not hit themselves, indicating that job seeking is good, and whether successful or not is the ability to firmly believe, the examiner's examination questions hide a lot of testistic traps, and recognize their position beforehand You are quite good.

Dreaming of the psychology of the bullet

The bullet is also known as a gun, refers to the ammunition emitted by the gun, consisting of a cartridge, a bottom fire, a launch, and a warhead. bullet,Peanuts are delicious, and the bullet is touched.The bullet in the dream contains troubles and illness. What is the meaning of dreaming of bullets?